Some Vision Thoughts for 2022


VISION: To encourage and equip the local church in prayer and worship

To be a hub for inter-church prayer and worship in the Taunton area

House of Prayer | Creative Worship | Church Unity & Community | Equipping

 “What the Church needs today is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more and novel methods, but men whom the Holy Ghost can use -- men of prayer, men mighty in prayer. The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through men.
― E.M. BoundsPower Through Prayer


Sunday Nights - PURSUIT (7.30-9pm)

·      A weekly night of prayer and worship for the churches in Taunton

·      Cross church worship teams and prayer leading teams

·      Opportunities for everyone to participate - sharing words, praying short prayers, prophecies, small group prayers and prayer ministry

·      Focus on intercession for the Taunton area and corporate worship

·      Focused prayer for a local congregation or ministry every fortnight

·      Creating an engaging, encouraging and safe entry point for those that struggle with prayer but without watering down the message


Mid-Week Prayer Sessions

·      Focus on prayer mixed with worship

·      Variety of styles: intercession, devotional, worship with the word

·      Various times and days to be accessible for those with families, or retired, or working etc.


The Sanctuary at North Street Church:

·     Creating a space that encourages people to pray and worship

·      Plenty of free space, some chairs and some floor cushions and rugs

·      Setup ‘in the round’ in the middle of the floor so it feels less like a performance and instead that the band are simply part of the congregation.

·      Central location

·      North Street has a history of hosting B1 church events and is an ideal neutral venue for the wider church

·      The café area allows space for people to arrive and socialize while keeping the sanctuary set apart for worship and prayer

·      The space can be left setup with PA equipment and instruments and furniture during the week to allow for expansion of sets, sustainability and could be available for other events (but cleared to the side for Sunday services)

·      A setup that doesn’t interfere with North St Church’s own events and may be used by North St if desired


Partnering with North Street Church

·      The prayer space will hopefully be an encouragement and blessing to North St members in their own prayer walks

·      We commit to pray for North St regularly

·      The team are willing to support and help develop worship at North St and/or to help and support the church in other ways

·      Pursuit currently operates without any financial contributions but will look to take up occasional offerings to help cover costs of the use of the building


Worship Training

·      A place to train singers and musicians in the heart of worship and develop their practical skills for leading worship not just for a Sunday morning service but also in spontaneous and prophetic worship for a prayer room context

·      Many local churches are short of musicians and worship leaders. We would hope that the training and raising up of musicians and singers would overflow into seeing our local churches better resourced in their worship


2023 Vision Ideas

·      To establish daily town-wide corporate prayer

·      To develop a 3-month school of prayer that would run on fortnightly Fridays 10.30am-4.30pm – a call for people to devote themselves to prayer, fasting, studying the Word and engaging with ministry and outreach: a mix of worship, teaching, practical equipping, personal prayer time and fellowship.

·      To use music as a tool to run evangelistic community events – concerts, open mic nights, social events to build relationship between Christians and non-Christians as a first step that could lead to an invite to a Christianity Explored or Alpha course.

·      Half night of prayer several times per year

·      Annual 24hr Day of Prayer


Prayer Leading Tips