Every Sunday 7.30pm

Sunday evening is our weekly worship and prayer gathering. Our heart is to be an expression of the wider church in the Taunton area praying, worshipping and wholeheartedly pursuing God together

Our evenings are led by different teams of musicians and singers and prayer leaders each week. We often have 5-10 different churches represented on the worship and prayer teams on any particular Sunday. We love, we support and we believe in the local church and we have good relationships with many of the church leaders in Taunton. The local church is God’s primary plan for community but we also believe that God has called us to express a dimension of life and community together as the wider church. In Psalm 133 we see the blessing that God releases upon unity. Our vision is beyond meeting together: it is to learn to love one another across our various churches in our area.

What do we do?

The worship style will vary each week but we do place an emphasis on corporate prayer, on quite a ‘spontaneous’ style of worship and having space for prophetic words to be shared so that we can listen to what we believe God is saying during our times together. As the churches come together we represent a wide breadth of traditions and styles of worship and prayer. We sometimes wait on the leading of the Holy Spirit but we also sometimes use liturgy. This can be healthy! Different styles of worship help us engage with God is different ways.

What we do at Pursuit may not be how you particularly like to worship but we hope that what Jesus prayed in John 17 that the church would ‘be one’, would challenge us and impart a grace to love one another and lay down our preferences for the sake of unity and love and the kingdom. However if what we do is confusing then please come along to a vision night or just get in touch as we’d love to chat more about why we do what we do and why we have chosen this particular format and structure for our meetings.

Come and join us!

We meet at North St Church in the centre of Taunton. Anyone welcome to join us. We start at 7.30pm and usually run until around 9pm. We spend lots of time in worship but also have a small team of people from different local churches who will help lead the evening and offer opportunities for everyone to engage in prayer in different ways.

Feel free to come and grab a drink from 7pm