devotional worship centred around the bible


Worship With The Word

We run weekly worship sessions called ‘Worship With The Word’. This is a devotional and creative worship time focussed around the bible. Corporate worship is mixed with times where a passage from the bible is read out and then sung and developed by the worship team. It is essentially a sung bible study! Our hope is to create a space for you to meditate on the bible, to worship, pray and to seek God. There won’t usually be opportunities to join in on the mic as with our other prayer sessions but instead this is a space for you to connect with God and with His Word. Bring a bible!

If you haven’t experienced it before then come along and hopefully you’ll see why we love it so much! It brings a whole new approach to studying the bible. If you’re a creative we’d also love to see you expressing your worship artistically be it through painting, poetry, dance or in other ways

“Let the word of God dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms, and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”

— Colossians 3:16