Core Values

Raising up men and women who like King David are ‘after God’s own heart’


•    Prayer is easier in community (Ac 1:14, 2:42, Jam 5:16)

•    Prayer interspersed and mixed with worship and music helps makes it more enjoyable and sustainable. (Col 3:16, Eph 5:18, 2 Chr 25, Book of Psalms)

•    Prayer should be varied – loud & quiet, intercessory & devotional, personal & missional, repentant & thankful, reverent & joyful, Spirit-led & disciplined (Col 4:2 & 4:12, Heb 5:7, Act 4:24, Mt 6:5-18, Lk 6:12, 22:40-46, Mk 9:29, Dan 9:2-23, Joel 2:12-17, Isa 56:7, Neh 9:1-5, Psalms)

•    Fasting and repentance (Mt 6:17, Joel 2:12, Jonah 3:5, Dan 9:3, Ps 69:10)

•    Inter-church vision and leadership team (Ps 133:1)

•    To pray primarily (but not exclusively) for Taunton and for the church

•    To train and equip people in prayer and worship and to resource and support other prayer ministries and meetings in the area

•    To be pro-church and not a replacement for anyone attending their own church meetings. (Heb 10:25)

•    To only speak positively of our fellow believers and churches (Titus 3:2)

•    Prayer should propel us into evangelism and mission (Titus 3:8)

•    The gifts of the Spirit (particularly prophecy and tongues) are given to encourage, guide and sustain our prayers (1 Cor 14:15, Acts 13:2-3, Col 4:2)

•    Prayer should primarily be ‘positive’ – all the prayers in the new Testament are positive (e.g. praying for the light, not against the darkness)

•    Using the Word – the bible is full of promises and prayers that are an essential toolbox for prayer (2 Tim 3:16-17, Heb 4:12)


How To Lead Bigger Prayer Meetings